Saturday, March 18, 2006

My First Coach

Ray Meyer...My Coach

I was 8 years old in the Spring of 1979. DePaul University Basketball Coach Ray Meyer had taken his Blue Demons with Freshmen sensation Mark Aguirre to the NCAA Final Four in Salt Lake City. DePaul was playing Indiana State, featuring a brilliant shooting, possibly retarded Forward/Center named Larry Bird. I recall watching the game in my bedroom from atop my bunk bed. What was an awesome game that both teams were proud of was little comfort to a sad boy, who cried as the final buzzer rang and DePaul had fallen short 76-74.

During that glorious season, I idolized Ray Meyer. I was already a hardcore sports fan, cheering on the Bears and White Sox. Walter Payton, Roger Staubach and Bill Buckner were the athletes I worshipped. Ray Meyer was the first coach that had a special place in my heart. This Jewish boy from Skokie became a huge fan of a Catholic University Basketball team because of their Head Coach...Ray Meyer.

Coach Meyer passed away today at the age of 92. During his 42 years at DePaul he won 724 games, placing him in the top 20 on the all-time coaching wins list. Meyer had a reputation of being a great friend and mentor to his players. He was an icon in Chicago, near the level of Payton, Jordan and Ditka. To me he will always be "My Coach". God Bless Ray Meyer.

Happy Birthday Noah

Noah Aaron Miller is 5 months old today. Happy Birthday, Daddy Loves You!

Kudos to Senator Feingold

President Bush and the Republican controlled congress have approval ratings lower than sinking ship. However, leave it to the Democrats to jump on the Titanic and sink lower. That is exactly what has occurred since Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) introduced a resolution to Censure President Bush over domestic wiretaps. Washington Post reporter, Dana Milbank, column from Wednesday edition describes the latest Democratic debacle perfetly. Feingolds pandering to the Progressive Left may help his chances during the 2008 Presidential Primary, but it will also help the Republicans keep control of both houses in 2006. What a schmuck!

Black Leaders Remain Silent

When I was reading the Chicago Sun Times this past Thursday I was intrigued by Mary Mitchell's column. The African American columnist wrote a very critical piece on the lack of Black leadership during recent murders in Chicago's Englewood Neighborhood. I must say it's refreshing to read a column by an African American writer who isn't blaming Whitey or Jews, but is looking for solutions from within the black community. What is troubling about Mitchell's piece is who she calls upon to be the leaders.

Mitchell designates an entire section of her column to Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. She criticizes Farrakhan and the Nation for not doing more. My concern is when any respected media figure gives a hate monger credibility, calling them to be more influential in the community, will only create more blacks hating and blaming Jews. Click and Read!

Last But Never Least

Check out my latest publication regarding Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich endorsement of hate. Personal Note: Check out Monday's Blog and my endorsements for Tuesdays primary elections. I will have a special section on why any Jew who votes for Blagojevich should be taken into a back alley and I have to actually say it?


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