Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Will the truth get Paulie in trouble?

The Left Keeps Hate Alive
Paulie ready for backlash from latest publishing

I'll never forget watching Senator Barack Obama give his Democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech in front of 80,000 screaming fans at Mile High Stadium in Denver. "This is an historic moment in American history," I told my wife. She was still disgusted that Hillary Clinton didn't get the nomination, but understood exactly what I meant.

Regardless of politics, the fact that an African American had received a major Party nomination to be President of the United States speaks volumes about how far this country has come since the days of the Civil Rights Movement. No one could argue this wasn't a proud moment for our country.

As America witnesses the closing of the racial divide, some people refuse to believe that the attitudes that gave us the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow are taking their final breath. This refusal doesn't stem from those who long for the days of segregation, it comes from the political left. In other words the people who claim to be the champions of diversity are doing everything they can to make sure the appearance of racism is still alive and well.

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